Wednesday December 13th, 6-8pm, for Multipolyscriptoscribble 8, the nomadic poetry and performance event, at The Glitch, Lower Marsh, London. This is the last event of the Creative Residencies Project, a set of 7 monthly events monthly organised by artist, curator and MPSS founder Lawrence Blackman, each of which has been curated by a different artist.
The Event
As usual the event is based in spoken and written language, and the many ways that can be bent, moulded and represented.
The centre piece of the night will be the performances and publications table - however the brief is open with any other ideas artworks, or otherwise welcomed.
Creators are invited to display written or printed versions of the work, or whatever alternative way the maker might like it to be experienced, and there will be a space for creators to sell and display publications, zines, and other work.
There will be 10 performance slots available. Anyone would like to perform or participate in the performance/market/exhibition please, get in touch to be involved. As usual, the spaces will be first come, first served, in a nice way.
The Space
Multipolyscriptoscribble 8 will be held at the Glitch in Lower Marsh. An independent arts venue with a focus on the performing arts, this is an extremely inclusive space which champions, in particular, the LGBTQ community, through diverse and highly accessible performance events.
It is a great pleasure to be invited to put on our event here and we will look forward to it